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Air Stone Maintenance

Reminder: be sure to check and change their air stones and diffusers if needed. Air stones tend to lose their effectiveness over time due to debris build-up and wear and tear. Pro-Tip: If you suspect build-up, remove the air stone and soak in distilled white vinegar and baking soda for a couple of hours. Scrub […]

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What Makes an Ecosystem Pond?

Ponds can be made various ways. Some are created with concrete, others with a simple pond liner. We believe in an ecosystem approach to the pondering lifestyle and use rocks and gravels in our ponds, after installing underlayment and liner. Gravel provides much-needed surface area for beneficial bacteria to grow. The fish will graze on […]

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Pump Troubleshooting

Before the season starts and we all get super busy, let’s take a quick look at troubleshooting an Aquasurge submersible pump. This is a horizontal pump with a black plastic body and a screened intake. They’re affordable, energy efficient, come with a 3-year warranty, and are used in both contractor and DIY installations. The way the […]

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Pond Maintenance Tips

Equipment List Pond maintenance is minimized when using skimmers and biological waterfall filters, but some weekly and seasonal pond care is still required. If you are a professional, you’ll want almost all of these tools to streamline your work. As a homeowner, you might still want to acquire these tools over time to improve your […]

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Pump Troubleshooting

  Before the season starts and we all get super busy, lets take  a quick look at troubleshooting an Aquasurge submersible pump. This is a horizontal pump with a black plastic body and a screened intake. They’re affordable, energy efficient, come with a 3 year warranty, and are used in both contractor and DIY installations. […]

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