Does every pond need a spring clean-out?
Every pond is different. Some ponds do not require an annual clean-out.
Ponds larger than 2,000 square feet (40’x 50′ pond) might only need a clean-out every few years. Larger ponds may never need a complete clean-out because any impurities present are minimal compared to the volume of water in the pond. You can tell whether the pond needs a clean-out by simply looking at it. If it looks the same in March/April as it did last June, it’s probably good to go.
If your pond is in need of a clean-out, Spring is the time to do it in order to kick start your biological filtration. Does your pond need a full clean-out this season, or does it just need to be tidied up a little? There are a couple of things that you can look for to help you decide. First, if there is a layer of decomposing leaves, muck and other debris at the bottom of the pond causing the water to be dark and murky, almost like a cup of tea, it is advised to do a full clean-out. On the other hand, if there is just a small amount of debris and your water is relatively clear, you may only need to stir everything up so you can capture the debris into a net and capture the smaller debris in your pond filtration system.
***Note: ponds that are not cleaned out every year typically require a longer and more expensive clean-out when not done consecutively. In other words a 11x 16′ pond that takes 4 hrs every year may take 8 hours every other year or more and be double the cost.
Sunrise Aquatics 12 Step Clean-out
* Disconnect the plumbing
* Drain the pond
* Catch the fish
* Remove debris
* Wash the pond(power wash)
* Rinse the pond
* Clean or replace the filters (additional cost for replacement)
* Refill the pond
* De-chlorinate the water
* Acclimate the fish
* Add beneficial bacteria
* Enjoy your clean pond!
Thank you and we look forward to helping you have a successful pond season!!!-Brent Bivona, Owner
**We service the Rochester, NY and surrounding areas.
***Note. Your pond will be filled to a safe level for your fish upon completion of the clean-out. It is important that you continue to fill your pond when you get home and turn on your pump. We do not want to charge you for our crew watching your water fill.***
1. How much is a Clean-Out?
(Click here to see National Avg. Pond cleaning prices as per
A Spring Clean-Out is approximately $285-$600 on average plus product. Payment is due upon completion, credit or debit card information is necessary to secure your sign-up. **Very small ponds can be less, as well as larger ponds or very dirty ponds can be more.** This does not include product such as bacteria, barley extract, light bulbs etc.
Brent…I thought I sent a request for clean out and that I also sent you my Visa # again since I may have not sent the right # the first time. Do I still need to fill this form out? My email has been crazy lately, so maybe you didn’t get my emails. Please let me know. Thanks!…Darbbie
Hi Darbbie, You are all set, I have you on the schedule.
Thank you and I’ll see you soon.